5 Ways to Avoid Damaging Your Engagement Ring

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It’s no secret that getting engaged is exciting. You are committing to the person you love and planning your future together. On top of that, many engagements come with a sparkly, new accessory: an engagement ring! What you might not immediately think about when you get engaged is that engagement ring care is necessary to make sure your ring doesn’t lose its sparkle or shine.

 An engagement ring can last your entire life and look just as great as the day you got it, when you take precautions to avoid damage. The following tips and tricks can help you make sure that your ring remains gorgeous and stays free from dings and dents.

1. Clean your ring regularly. You should take your ring off when you are participating in activities that are likely to allow dirt to accumulate, such as cooking, gardening, and exercise. Not wearing your ring while doing these things is a simple way to maintain engagement ring care, but you also want to make sure you don’t lose your ring. That being said, when you take your ring off, make sure you always put it in a safe place. Having a few designated places in your house that are out of reach from pets or children will prevent the stressful situation that is misplacing your ring.

When it comes to cleaning your ring, you want to strike a balance between cleaning it too much, and not cleaning it enough. Aside from the aforementioned activities that you know will cloud your ring, everyday items like lotion and skin oil can also dull the stone and metal on your sparkler. This easy piece of engagement ring care will keep it looking great. Use a home cleaning method like water and either a mild dish soap or Windex every other week.

2. Store your ring by itself. If you have a jewelry box that you keep all of your pieces in, make sure that your engagement ring has its own spot. This means that no other items will be in the same area as your ring. When other metals and stones rub against your ring, they can cause unsightly scratches. An easy way to avoid this is by keeping your engagement ring in it’s own section or leaving it in its own ring dish.

As outlined in tip number one above, having a designated spot for your ring is a key part of engagement ring care because it helps you avoid nicks and scratches and gets you in the habit of always knowing where your ring is when you aren’t wearing it.

3. Avoid harmful chemicals. Just like you need to take your ring off when you are cooking or working out, you should also take it off or wear gloves when you are cleaning with certain chemicals. (See why having a designated location for your ring can be super helpful?) Bleach is one of the most commonly used household cleaners and it can wreak havoc on your ring. Even if you think you can avoid coming in contact with it, play it safe with your engagement ring care and put your ring away.

4. Have a date with your jeweler. While you spend the most time with your ring, a great jeweler is going to know more about the actual state of your engagement ring. Make sure that your diamond (or other gemstone) and setting are in great shape by taking your ring in at least once a year to a reputable, trusted jeweler. Regular maintenance can keep your ring looking spectacular and make sure that everything is safe and secure.

5. Insure your ring. True, this tip won’t help you avoid damage to your ring, but accidents happen. Even if you are meticulous with your engagement ring care, something could happen to it. Insurance can help you with repairs to your ring or with a replacement ring, and knowing that you are protected is great for peace of mind.

When properly cared for, your engagement ring can and should last for a very long time. But just like any other significant investment, your ring needs care and attention to keep it in the best possible shape. Including the above steps in your care regimen can ensure that you enjoy your beautiful ring for many years to come.

Find Your Ring at Trumpet & Horn

Still looking for the perfect engagement ring? Trumpet & Horn has you covered with a variety of vintage and vintage inspired rings. Visit Trumpet & Horn today and find your dream ring.

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